Thief In The Night
Posted by
Dave Mendoza
on Wednesday
christian folk-rock,
free mp3 download,
independent songwriters
Dec.21, 1994
Once I got up in the middle of the night (or wee hours of the morning), compelled to write down this song...
Birds Fly South
Posted by
Dave Mendoza
christian folk,
free mp3,
independent songwriters
You Shed Light Into My Heart (Thanks To You )
Gently & Quietly I’ll Blow Your Mind
Love, Come Into My Life
Posted by
Dave Mendoza
christian acoustic,
christian folk-rock,
free mp3 download,
salvation song
Silver & Steel

Folkie love tune, not for anyone special that I know of.
This series of songs was recorded at Ted's place for a tape (later CD) we called "Gently & Quietly I'll Blow Your Mind" a sort of "unplugged" album.

October 5, 1994
Folky tune about the Tribulation & 2nd Coming/Rapture, which I still play relatively often, since I like its style and it's easy on the voice, being so low-pitched & smooth.
video (new version)
The Year Love Disappeared

David Brandt Berg once wrote that the last thing they're trying to kill people's faith in is love. Jesus also said that in the last days the love of many would grow cold...
Life's Not a Freeway
Love-Starved Children

This song was inspired by one of the kids in our neighborhood who struck me as pretty forsaken, since her parents apparently never had time to her, so she often would tug along with us when we'd go for a walk through the woods or whatever...
Coincidentally, this song brought me to the States in 2000, via the North America Country Music Association Intl., since the song had won some kind of award the year beforehand, and I was invited to attend the following year, but that is yet another story...
MP3 Lyrics
Kisses of the Past
Posted by
Dave Mendoza
Posted by
Dave Mendoza

Song which originally functioned as title song for a technically flawed tape I recorded at the bass player's home in Bavaria who was playing with Cesar & GoWest at that time, and was later re-recorded for Rhythm of Life...
Lone Song
Life's Roller Coaster Ride
Closer Than a Friend
Life's Like a River
Where Grey Skies Won't Go

One day I got a phone call from Cesar Galehr in Austria, telling me he'd heard my tape "One Moment in Heaven" and that he needed a rhythm guitarist for his Country band.
Our first gig in Switzerland was a disaster, but I wound up playing with "Cesar & Go West" for 15 years.
On that first gig I happened to meet 2 girls from Stuttgart, gave them a tape and consequently met Ted Richley, another Christian Country musician, who not only recorded my 2 subsequent albums, but also got me into the Stuttgart Country scene and later on donated a P.A. to our cause (parts of which I'm still using.)
This song was one of my early attempts to write a Country song, although my love for Country didn't turn out to be a lasting affair, largely due to the development of the Country scene...
MP3 Lyrics
Concrete Hearts
The Busker's Song
Soul Rain

One scene I particularly like in the movie "The Holiday" is the one in which Jude Law's character confesses to his date that he's a "weeper."
"A movie... a book... anything... I weep."
Well, I can sort of relate to that, and that's what this song is about.
It's sort of a taboo in our society for fellas to "weep," but it's not the only thing that's screwed up about our society...
Welcome to Babylon
Posted by
Dave Mendoza